Placements: Couples Relationship Counselling

Entry Requirements
As some of EACS clients can have complex, multi-faceted issues, we ideally require that alongside your couples training, applicants already have a background in counselling or psychotherapy and at least 200 hours of face to face general counselling experience.
We welcome applications at any time, but most people look for a placement to begin in September / October and so small group interviews tend to take place in the summer. This involves a general discussion about being on placement at EACS; a case discussion; and individual interview.
You will need to:
Commit to a minimum 1-year clinical placement. Our clients can come for up to 6 months. Counsellors later wishing to continue beyond the normal placement period can do so with prior agreement by the management team.
Attend a 4-hour induction (usually on a Monday) prior to seeing clients at EACS.
Be available to work with a caseload of up to 3 clients, beginning with 1 client and building up from this.
You will be responsible for arranging and paying for your supervision using a supervisor approved by your course trainers.
All counsellors are asked to sign a contract confirming their commitment to meeting EACS’ attendance, clinical and administrative requirements.
The Benefits
Challenging and rewarding work with a highly reputable counselling and psychotherapy service.
EACS provides comfortable counselling rooms and is a safe and supportive place to be.
EACS counsellors can attend our bi-annual continuing professional development workshops at a substantially reduced rate.
We support a community feel at EACS and encourage counsellors to attend our CPD workshops and annual Christmas Party with free wine, nibbles, hot buffet and raffle.
Once qualified, access to low-cost private room rental for EACS and ex-EACS members subject to room availability.

To apply for a Couples Counselling Placement:
Please email your general CV (two pages maximum) and covering letter to our counselling coordinator, Jacqueline Priestley ( along with a completed application form which can be downloaded here